One of the main challenges of Space Weather (SW) is the need for a large variety of global measurements. This is the result of the complex coupling between the solar and geomagnetic conditions, which can strongly affect the extraterrestrial energy inputs to the thermosphere and ionosphere (i.e., upper atmosphere), dominated the SW in those domains. It has been realized that while solar and geomagnetic drivers dominate the large energy input spectrum to the ITM system, accurate forecasts of conditions in this complex region require knowledge of gravity waves, neutral winds, and other lower atmospheric connections. Because many of these phenomena are dependent on local conditions (e.g., topography, winds, magnetic anomalies, etc.), the breadth of measurements that are required to properly monitor and understand SW are broad and in many cases demands the deployment of global networks of sensors (e.g., magnetometers, GNSS, ionosondes, particle detectors, meteor radars, lidars, etc. ).
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