Scientific sessions • Current Space Weather capabilities in Latinoamerica. • Ionosphere and Upper Atmosphere. • Solar Physics, Inner Heliosphere, and Cosmic Rays. • Magnetosphere and Geomagnetism. • Looking to the future. Important dates • The reception is open for the following documentation: - Registration and abstract submission opens. - Full and Partial financial support request opens for contributors (keynote talk, oral, poster presenter) that can optionally participate on the keynote seminars on SW forecasting tutorials. * • July 14th, 2023 - 23:59 GMT-3 (Argentina Local Time) - Deadline for registration and abstract submission for those applying for travel support. • August 4th, 2023 - 23:59 GMT-3 (Argentina Local Time) - Deadline for registration and abstract submission for all other participants (those not applying for travel support). • Before August 15th, 2023 - Communication of awarded financial support. • August 30th, 2023 - 23:59 GMT-3 (Argentina Local Time) - Abstract acceptance communication. Abstract submission instructions 1. Abstracts must be submitted via email to no later than June 30th for those applying for travel financial support and August 4th for all other participants. 2. If you are a student and you are asking for financial support, you must include a letter of reference from your advisor along with your abstract submission. 3. Abstract Format • When submitting your abstract, please indicate the Scientific Session (available on the workshop’s website) corresponding to your presentation. Please follow the template that can be found on this page. • The submitter must clearly indicate the presenting author. • Choose between three presentation types: oral, poster, or no preference. • An abstract should contain maximum of 300 words. • The language for all abstracts, posters and oral presentations must be English. 4. Abstracts will be reviewed by the Scientific Committee. Note that SOC reserves the right to decide on the final assignment for the session and type of presentation. 5. Authors will be notified via e-mail as regards abstracts acceptance. Submission documentation download • Instructions • Abstract template (MS Word file) • Abstract template (PDF format) . . . . . . . . . . . . . Registration period ended!
* We have limited funding for this purpose and priority will be given to grad-students, recent postdocs, and participants from Latin American countries.