Solar Instruments in the Argentine North-West: Facts, Applications, and Perspectives
SoloHI: Multi-viewpoint Catalog from the Sun to 1AU
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The Sunrise UV spectropolarimeter and imager.
Analyzing the Galactic Cosmic Ray flux in the passage of ICMEs and SIRs.
Modeling the Solar Spectral Irradiance from the Solar Magnetic Flux: status and future work.
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Exploring the prospects for a vivid collaborative science between the GDC mission and the Ground-Based community
Geomagnetic disturbances at mid- and equatorial latitudes
Deployment of a network of Space Weather Observatories in Argentina.
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Alfvenicity of the solar wind near Earth
Tapia-Donoso, Francisca:Correlations between Kappa distributions and collision parameter in space plasmas at 1 AU
Zurita-Valencia, Tomás:Characterizing the Solar Activity using the Visibility Graph Method
Sánchez, Javier:Implementation of a portable site-testing instrument for solar Observations
Lloveras, Diego:Observational Validation of the Modeling and Simulation of a CME
Yupanqui, Gabriela:Impact of the solar wind on intrinsic and induced planetary magnetospheres
Evolution of relativistic electrons in the radiation belt during geomagnetic storms.
Long-term trends in the ionosphere due to anthropogenic and natural forcings and its relevance to space weather
Vertical total electron content and geomagnetic variations during X-class solar flares in 2022.
Traveling ionospheric disturbances in the far field induced by tsunamis.
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Automatic Segmentation and Classification of Range-Time-Intensity maps of Equatorial Spread-F.
On the problem of GNSS observation coverage for the IGS ROTI maps for the Southern hemisphere.
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Ionospheric Scintillation and Potential Techniques for Its Mitigation
Ionospheric response on geomagnetic storms for near high- and mid-latitudes in South America.
Quiet day curve for riometer: Analysis and comparison of methods.
Study of sudden impulses and the influence of Magnetic Anomaly in South America
Brhian de Souza, Alysson:Understanding the ionospheric’s state by the Generalized Linear Models
Canales, Marayén:Ionospheric medium-term trends over Concepción, Chile, and its possible association with ENSO
Durán, Trinidad: Estalla, Brayan:Development of a radiofrequency signal generator for ionosonde radar transmitter using red pitaya
Flores, Roberto: Melendi, Yamila:Ionospheric Response to a Strong Geomagnetic Storm using ionosonde data in Argentina
Vasquez, Vanessa: Villagrán, Constanza:Ionospheric Fluctuations Induced by Thunderstorms in the Central Region of Argentina
Bravo, Manuel:SUPIM-INPE as a predictor of the ionospheric impact of solar eclipses
Denardini, Clezio:
Customization of Magnetic and Ionospheric Scales for Latin America
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International Cooperation and ESA Space Weather System
Current Space Weather capabilities in Latinoamerica
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Network for Solar System and Ionospheric/atmospheric Studies (NeSSI)
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Thoughts on Space Weather Research Collaboration and Cooperation
NOAA’s Space Weather Observations to Provide Operational Space Weather Capability
Highlights of Space Weather Tools and Resources at the Community Coordinated Modeling Center.
Argentine Antarctic Space Weather Observatory: AASWO.
Exploring transport conditions in CME-CME interaction scenarios using PARADISE.
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Setting the scene: overview of space weather phenomena, spatial domains, scales and models. Sun, heliosphere, and geospace.
Flares and CMEs and space weather consequences.
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Coronal holes and space weather consequences.
Solar Energetic Particles (SEPs) and impacts.
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Near-Earth particle environment relevant to space weather.
Space weather impact on ionosphere/ thermosphere.
Space weather impacts on space assets.
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Space Weather support for NASA Artemis program.
Overview of web-based resources for space weather research, analysis, and forecasting
CCMC iSWA (Integrated Space Weather Analysis system
- Web-based tool for space weather monitoring, analysis, event studies,
and system science)
and DONKI Space Weather Event Database:
Demo and hands-on.
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Community Coordinated Modeling Center (CCMC) Runs-on-request system:
Demo and hands-on.
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ISEP Models and Solar Energetic Particle Scoreboard: Demo