More about the Event

CADIC, Ushuaia Tierra del Fuego
Oct 2-6, 2023

Space Weather Observations throughout Latinoamerica:

Filling the Southern Gaps

One of the main challenges of Space Weather (SW) is the need for a large variety of global measurements. The complex coupling between solar and geomagnetic conditions, which can affect extraterrestrial energy inputs to the thermosphere and the ionosphere, dominates the SW in these zones. In order to properly monitor and understand SW, a wide range of measurements must be made due to their dependence on local conditions. It is often necessary to deploy global networks of sensors. For many reasons, such global networks have been historically more developed in the northern hemisphere than in the southern hemisphere. In that sense, the large expanse of the South-American territory offers an excellent opportunity to address the measurement gaps.

A primary objective of this meeting is to introduce the existing observing networks in the region, as well as identify measurements gaps, with the purpose to exchange information in the field of SW from the perspective of the phenomenon that drives it through its origins in the solar atmosphere, its evolution in the interplanetary environment, and its arrival to geospace.

The workshop will include the following activities:

Scientific talks describing the state of art in Space Weather basic research and Observations throughout Latin America.
A series of keynote seminars on SW forecasting tutorials mostly aimed at students and future operators based on the school organized by the SW Laboratory at GSFC in the past.
Institutional talks addressing participant’s current activities, future plans, and expectations on the collaboration with different regional institutions.

The meeting sessions will consist of: Invited and contributed talks and poster sessions covering the recent developments with emphasis on current observational needs in the Southern Hemisphere in the following topics:

Space Weather: towards operative products
Ionosphere and Upper Atmosphere
Solar Physics, Inner Heliosphere, and Cosmic Rays
Magnetosphere and Geomagnetism

The second announcement will provide information about the registration period and abstract submission.

The Scientific Organizing Comitee (SOC) is composed by:
Dr. Prof. Maria Paula Natali (UNLP-MAGGIA, Argentina),
Dr. Prof. Amalia Meza (UNLP-MAGGIA, Argentina),
Dr. Marcelo Colazo (CONAE, Argentina),
Dr. Thomas Berger (University of Colorado, USA),
Dr. Robert Robinson (Catholic University of America, USA),
Dr. Diego Janches (NASA, USA),
Dr. Sergio Dasso (IAFE, Argentina),
Dr. Clezio De Nardin (INPE, Brasil).

The Local Organizing Comitee (LOC) is composed by:
BSc. José Luis Hormaechea (EARG, Argentina),
Eng. Bernardo Eylenstein (Obs. Trelew-FCAG, Argentina),
BSc. María Bolino (MAGGIA-FCAG, Argentina),
BSc. Anabella Urutti (MAGGIA-FCAG, Argentina),
Geoph. Juan Manuel Castaño (MAGGIA-FCAG, Argentina),
Dr. Eric Marderlwald (EARG, Argentina).

Registration period ended!